Find out why over 17,000 people have decided to rewild their lives with us. 11 transformative days, 30+ activating experts, 40+ hours of discovery.
“I am so excited I have told all my friends, and invited them to join us in this incredible gift that Jenner and the presenters are giving us.” --Shannon (ReWilding 2021)
Inside the Rewilding Online Retreat ⤵
Your very own eleven-day retreat, right from the comfort of your living room. And even better, it's free.

'I loved what came up for me, and am so excited for what's next"
"I’m so happy I stumbled upon this retreat. I loved what came up for me, and am so excited for what's next. AND that sound bath! I’m happy to hear I wasn’t the only one crying!" - Ayla
This retreat was amazing and exhausting Anyone else feel that way?! I somehow managed to watch every episode.. This spiritual marathon was exactly what I needed, the way I needed it." - Kory
"It's so worth it!! You won't regret it."
"If you have started your healing journey or want more modalities to learn you need this container of the Wild Ones!!" ❤️ Nandadevi
"Just wanted to say Thank you so much for putting on this amazing retreat. I enjoyed every single workshop and can't wait to get started on all the email links I have received over the next few weeks. I would love to sign up to everything and be a lifelong member xx" - Lisa K.
"I don’t have the words to express how valuable that was."
"Ummmm WHAT!?!?!? I just finished the first workshop! I was thinking, oh this won’t apply to me bc I’m a stay-at-home mom. I don’t have the words to express how valuable that was. Y’all… I took notes!!! Notes!!! I’m astounded by how relatable it was. I can’t wait to learn more ❤️❤️❤️" --Lauren S

We begin with an intention-setting live event featuring sounds healing, so you can tap into your heart and vibrate with embodied truth.
You receive a daily email for the next 10 days so you can access the pre-recorded workshops for that day. These workshops are ACTIVE. You will be moving your body, meditating, creating rituals, and shifting your vibration. Most importantly you’ll make a deep connection with your wild self.

After the workshops head over to our private VIP group to share your insights and aha moments of the day. Our experts will be right there to answer your questions and support your journey.
We'll close out our time together with a Live Sound Healing Ceremony. Celebrating community, transformation and your wild heart.
Your All-Access Pass is $397 Free!
Does this sound familiar...

→ You are exhausted from trying to do it all and never having the support you need?
→ You feel lonely because your friends and family don’t understand why you want “more” out of life?
→ You wish you could share your full heart but you hold back your deepest truth?
→ You know you need something to change, but you don’t even know where to start?
→ You afraid that you’ll live your entire life and miss out on your biggest dreams?
You know if you could just break free for a while you’d get back in alignment.
How amazing would it be if you could just jet off to one of those personal renewal retreats? Dedicate time to doing inner work with the transformational coaches you’ve seen online. You’d finally get what you really need… your clarity, purpose, and passion.

But not everyone can afford to travel to some exotic retreat on a mountaintop. And we all know the stress of researching, planning, and traveling. You end up more exhausted than when you started.
This got me thinking…
What if we focused on connecting people with trusted experts and potent practices that make a real difference in your life?
What if we made it accessible to people all over the world? With daily workshops straight to your inbox? Join in right from your living room.
And what if we offered you an all-access pass for free?
YES, SIGN ME UP! →It's truly gotten me through the last couple of years.
"I found the ReWilding Retreat as I was going through the darkest night of my soul. I think it truly has gotten me through the last couple of years. By being a part of this community, I've found support and people I can relate to.
It's also a great chance to learn and grow my spiritual practice. I've also found a deep love for myself and a connection to my body & soul."
-Samantha B.

Clara Gomez Santos
Inner Marriage and The Man Within

Brad Yates
Tapping Into Your Authentic Self

Nicole Lovince
Creator of The Goddess Bath Experience

Karen Parker
Quantum Human Design™ Creator + Expert

Michele Wellington
Emotional Embodiment Coach & Writer

Nura Rachelle
Integrative Astrologer Coach and Guide

Joe Longo
Mindset Coach Creating Your Perfect Day & Life

Jolie Dawn
Intuitive Business Coach + 6x Bestselling Author

Luis Mojica
Finding Safety Within Yourself & Healing Addiction

Danielle Hall
Expert + Trainer in the arts of Sound Healing Therapy

Nixie Marie
Unlocking the Power of Feng Shui: Mastering Fundamentals

Colleen Howell
Certified Hormone Health Specialist + Intimacy Coach

Colin Hudon
The Art of Tea Ceremony and the Five Elements

Gemma Petherbridge
Boost your Manifestation Skills with the Chakras

Anna Tsui
Divine ♀︎ Feminine Manifestation Magic

Joey Wargachuk
Tarot + Crystal Expert, Reiki Master, Futurist & Novelist

Melissa B. Bates
Embodied Wealth Expansion + Activation

Ivy Kaminsky
Self-Love & Light Whisperer, Purpose + Worth Coach

Vienda Maria
Psychology-Informed Personal Growth Educator

Isik Tlabar
Intuitive Coach and Breathwork Facilitator

Britten LaRue
Creator of Emergence Astrology

Jennifer Piercy
Integrative Sleep +Dream Educator

Natalie Ross
Business Coach + Founder, Earth Speak

Matthew Kenney
Classical Astrologer and Mage

Jasmine Ivy
Women of Woo Founder + Intuitive Business Coach

Hillary Mendoza
Certified Clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner

Katie Kozlowski
Thriving on the Wild Side: Learn to Love Your Creative Self

Winter Clark
Spiritual Rebirth Doula + Hereditary Intuitive & Author
✦ More experts are being announced daily ✦

About fifteen years ago I was disillusioned with my career and devastated by a breakup. I had a “bathroom floor moment” that led me down the rabbit hole of personal transformation.
I know how frustrating it was to “cut through” all the noise and find experts I could trust and practices that would get the results I wanted in my life.
Honestly, I love to learn. And after years of trying out everything I could get my hands on, I seriously know what works!
And now I choose only the authentic experts I know can help you rediscover purpose, connection, and passion
I created the ReWilding Retreat so you could connect with the most important person in the world, YOU.
It’s time to BE the transformation you want to see in the world.
YES, LET ME IN! →⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"This workshop was amazing!! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!!" --Steph
"Every day I wake up excited to see who I learn from next in this wonderful retreat!!"
"I grew up learning about astrology and numerology, learning how to use my intuition and how to manifest... but I did not realize how much there still is to learn!!! I have been barely touching the surface." - Stephanie
"This retreat was so powerful for me and I am truly grateful that I signed up for it!!"
"I really loved laughing alongside all of you through your workshops and I love the energy I feel from this community and from all of your videos! The passion each of you shows for the work you do, is really really inspiring!" 🥰🥰🥰🙏 - Emelye O.
Ummmm WHAT!?!?!? I just finished the first webinar thinking oh this won’t apply to me ... I do not have all the words to express how invaluable that was. Y’all… I took notes!!! Took notes!!! I’m just sitting here on my bed taking notes in the dim light bc I have a baby next to me. This may not seem like much to y’all but I’m just astounded with how relatable it was. I can’t wait to learn more. I just had to stop in and tell y’all how hyped I am. ❤️❤️❤️ - Lauren
"I love it!! It was so “simple” and so “enlightening” at the same time!!
I’m re-finding my voice" --Georgia
Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity to connect with all of you and to have the chance to share & experience my healing journey with an amazing group of people. - Lyn
Thank you for freeing my new me! Many thanks!😘😘🙏🏻 - Sharon
"That was an AWESOME experience!"
"I just attended the opening ceremony and WOW!!! I literally cried at least 4 times. That was an AWESOME experience! My heart is so happy. Thank you." --Peg W
I just attended the opening ceremony and WOW!!! That hour and a 1/2 went by so quickly!! And I literally cried at least 4 times. That was an AWESOME experience! My heart is so happy. Thank you.🤍 -Peg

What are you waiting for?
The time is now . . .
〰️ Heal the pieces that have been broken
〰️ Explore the wilderness of your heart
〰️ Experience exhilarating freedom
〰️ Live from your core, not your conditioning
Click the link below for your FREE all-access pass to the ReWilding Online Retreat!
YES, I'M IN! →